Staff/ Faculty Development

Teaching and learning development is a professional development opportunity and it is one of the most important programs that all faculty staff should adhere to and strive to achieve a level through which they can deliver information in the highest way. The innovative programs for the improvement of teaching and learning in higher education are constantly being developed and applied by most Educational Institution that seek to develop and upgrade to the highest regional and international rankings. SAI Institute of Technological Science offers different workshop programmes, planned for academic staff at diverse levels of their teaching profession. The workshops are intended to assist colleagues to teach in according to international standards such as being aligned with the Indian Professional Standards Framework. The programs provides an opportunity in which participants can deepen their knowledge of what is needed to reach the highest quality in teaching and learning; it motivates conversation and reflection regarding how this knowledge and skills can be utilised in teaching circumstances. Through our teaching and learning programs, the recipients would be able to communicate with the most specialists providers to discuss any concerns or questions about teaching during provided workshops or seminars. The key aim of this program is to prepare higher education lecturers to enhance the skills of obtaining appropriate knowledge and transferring it in a professional manner to students. 
Encouraging Innovation and Excellence in Engineering
The staff development committee (SDC) conducted a faculty need assessment survey on the core competencies which are the main pivots of SDC. The core Competencies are technology, pedagogy, classroom management, leadership, mentoring, presentation skills, interpersonal and intrapersonal development. Base on these key elements the SDC conducted a survey and the priority topics were give importance. The center for teaching and learning of SAI Institute of Technological Science inter collaborated with SDC in conduct skill development program regularly.
Core Competency
Keeping abreast of the constant changes and innovations in educational technology is essential for faculty development and can be used to enhance student-centered learning. 
  • To offer workshops which enable faculty to use technology effectively in the classroom to enhance student-centered learning.
  • To offer workshops which support current technology.
  • To offer workshops that train for future technology.
Many faculty members who teach at the post- matric level have near received formal training in educational delivery. Both new and experienced faculty can benefit from training based on traditional and current educational theory and research.
  • To enhance and promote excellence in teaching and learning.
  • To supply the necessary tools for faculty to maximize student-centered learning.
  • To provide tools for faculty to assess student outcomes.
Classroom Management
Post-matric students, particularly at free college, are a diverse and challenging population. Understanding how to manage, engage and motivate these students is essential to student-centered learning and institutional success.
  • To demonstrate effective planning and organizing skills for efficient classroom management.
  • To illustrate principles which lead to creating a comfortable learning environment for students.
Leadership training will provide faculty with essential leadership skills that are valuable in the classroom as well as for participation in numerous initiatives. In addition, while many institutions’ future academic leaders will come from the ranks of faculty, this group has often received little formal training in leadership and the development of leadership skills is essential to leadership success.
  • To examine and develop techniques and tools for leadership roles in the classroom, for committee work, and for other setting and situations that benefit by or require effective leadership skills.
  • To create a forum for thoughtful examination and reflection on the role and responsibilities of faculty/ department chairs.
  • To identify individual strengths and development of needs based on a variety of assessment tools and feedback from colleagues.
  • To establish a network and support system across campus to enhance communication.
One of the most effective learning strategies is the transfer of knowledge and skills that takes place in the mentor relationship. Work between seasoned faculty and their juniors is a mutually beneficial relationship that also serves to foster collegiality and enhance departmental and teaching effectiveness.
  • To support departments in their mentoring activities.
  • To acquire knowledge about ways in which mentoring may support individuals in their department or discipline by exploring mentoring traits and understanding the gaps in current mentoring models as they apply to faculty.
  • To develop increased understanding of the factors that make mentoring successful from both the mentor’s and mentee’s perspectives. 
Presentation Skills
Many faculty members who teach at the post- matric level have never received formal training in presentation skills. Both new and experienced faculty can benefit by developing their platform skills.
  • To develop an enhanced presentation method applicable to our audience.
  • To help faculty develop confident and effective presentation skills.
  • To encourage faculty participation which utilize their expertise and presentation skill within the college and community. 
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Development
Personal development is an integral part of professional development. Faculty will be given an opportunity to benefit from a variety of development initiatives, from communication skills to time management skills.
  • To support faculty and development chairs in developing and assessing effective personal skills.